Holocaust Music
Sheryl Needle Cohn, Ed.D
An integrated Music & Holocaust presentation
presented by Sheryl Needle Cohn, Ed.D
Composers Silenced During Holocaust
Pavel Haas, Hans Krása, Erwin Schulhoff, Marcel Tyberg, Felix Mendelssohn
and too many others including
Alice Herz Sommer plays Chopin
Video =Alice Herz Sommer, plays Chopin, survivor, deceased February 2014 age 110, music kept her spirit alive.
Terezín: music from a Nazi ghetto
The Terezín ghetto near Prague was home to a remarkable array of renowned Czech musicians, composers and theatrical artists, writing and performing as they and their fellow Jewish inmates awaited an unknown fate in Auschwitz.
Hannah Szenes, 1921 –1944, Tortured & Murdered by Nazis, Poet, Hungarian-Israeli, War Hero wrote poem Eli, Eli (My God, My God) Music by David Zahavi.
Balkan Suite
Shalom Aleichem
Kazimierz Wedding Dance